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Hidden containment bladder automatically unfurls to capture large spills or drum leaks

  • Ultra-Spill Deck Bladder Systems are low profile, polyethylene containment decks which meet EPA and SPCC Spill Containment Regulations. Available in 1, 2 and 4-drum modules, the low 5 3/4″ deck height allows safe and convenient drum loading, even without drum handling equipment. Add the optional polyethylene loading ramp for even greater handling ease.
  • Compact footprint saves valuable floor space – perfect for drum waste collection usage.
  • Use the Spill Deck Bladder Systems in place of taller containment pallets – low 5 3/4″ deck height offers significant safety and handling benefits. Overspills and small leaks are captured in the sump; catastrophic leaks deploy the bladder, allowing the system to meet regulations.
  • Spill Deck Bladder Systems require adequate aisle space to allow the Bladder to unfurl properly.
  • Rugged polyethylene bladder provides 66 gallons of additional containment.
  • Polyethylene bladder is housed inside the Bladder Attachment. Connect the Bladder Attachment to the Spill Deck in seconds – no tools required!


SKU: 808416013207

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Color Yellow
Dimensions 30.5" L x 25.9" W x 5.8" H
Part Number 1320
Shipping Class 125
SCHB Number 3926909985
Weight 25